Coatings Ingredients
Industry News

Vits Technology & MÜNZING CHEMIE to Offer Holistic Solutions for Decor Paper Coatings

Published on 2023-07-10. Edited By : SpecialChem

Vits Technology MUNZING CHEMIE Holistic Solutions Decor Paper Coatings Vits Technology and MÜNZING CHEMIE announce their cooperation in the field of product development for process technology and additives for wood processing. Together, major advances are to be achieved in the field of décor paper coatings. Vits Technology is a member of the Deurotech Group and is a supplier of impregnation lines for décor papers.

The international plant manufacturer also offers tailor-made solutions for coating, contact-free drying and cross-cutting of web-processing materials such as filter paper, masking tape or non-woven glass. For the further development of its plants and processes, the system provider relies on the cooperation with MÜNZING CHEMIE as a strategic chemical partner.

Partnering for Efficiency

"The aim is to offer holistic solutions rather than individual products," described Dr. Jürgen Daiß, head of Business Unit FENTAK® Processing Additives at MÜNZING CHEMIE, the objective of the partnership.

Within the Deurotech Group, we have been working continuously for many years to increase the efficiency of our plants and to improve the quality of our customers' end products, true to our motto ‘PARTNERING FOR EFFICIENCY’,” said Alexander Deuring, CEO, Vits Technology.

MÜNZING CHEMIE develops and globally markets additives for wood processing in various application areas such as laminates, wood panels and engineered wood. The focus of the collaboration is on the development of chemistry and process technology in partnership to achieve optimal results for joint customers.

With MÜNZING CHEMIE as experts in additives at our side, we can combine our respective strengths, create further synergies and transform them into added value for our customers," added Deuring.

Mr. Deuring’s approach fits seamlessly to the MÜNZING CHEMIE philosophy to provide integrated solutions instead of individual products. Thanks to the cooperation with the plant engineering of Vits Technology, we will be able to develop customized solutions even better and faster, for the benefit of our customers,” added Dr. Daiß.

Source: Vits Technology

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