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Researchers Create Bioinspired Antimicrobial Coatings to Combat Antibiotic Resistance

Published on 2024-02-26. Edited By : SpecialChem

TAGS:  Smart Coatings    Sustainability / Natural Coatings    

Researchers Bioinspired Antimicrobial Coatings Antibiotic Resistance The ICN2 Nanostructured Functional Materials Group develops novel and efficient antimicrobial materials to combat pathogen spread, infections and resistance to antibiotics. The project is guided by CSIC professor Daniel Ruiz-Molina.

Enhancing Antimicrobial Properties to Reduce Pathogen Spread

According to ICN2 researchers, antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is on the rise due to the overuse of antibiotics. AMR represents a significant global threat to human health, potentially surpassing cancer as the leading cause of death worldwide by 2050.

Their study proposes solutions for designing phenol-based materials. It is to enhance their antimicrobial properties, consequently reducing pathogen spread and preventing infections.

In the realm of materials with the potential to harbor bacterial populations, fabrics take a prominent role in patient care. Up until now, coatings with inorganic antibacterial materials have been developed. However, several obstacles have limited their successful application in clinical settings. This includes issues related to bacterial resistance, expensive production processes, unregulated release of ions, bioaccumulation and competitive protein complexation.

Thus, the research team conducted a series of experiments following a simple one-step scalable synthesis under mild conditions and using four affordable materials. This includes paper, cotton fabric, surgical mask middle layer and commercial band-aids.

They discovered that mussel-inspired coatings based on catecholamine consistently demonstrated effective performance across these substrates commonly used in healthcare environments. It showed fast responses against a broad spectrum of microbial species.

Innovative Bioinspired Coatings

Additionally, the coating showed effective use in wet conditions, like those in healthcare places with respiratory droplets and biofluids. This lowers the risk of germs spreading indirectly. The bioinspired coating kills germs by making them stick to it through certain molecules.

Then, it uses various methods to fight bacteria and fungi, mainly focusing on the continuous formation of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS). These molecules can have antimicrobial properties, as they are reactive and can damage or inhibit the growth of microorganisms.

In summary, innovative bioinspired coatings have shown significant promise for future applications in clinical settings, offering a practical alternative to current antimicrobial materials.

Source: Institut Català de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia (ICN2)


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