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New AI-based System to Test Fracture-resistance in Coatings

Published on 2020-05-28. Edited By : SpecialChem

TAGS:  Science-based Formulation     Aerospace Coatings     

MIT researchers have developed a new artificial intelligence-based approach to develop stronger protective coatings or structural materials. This system could reduce lab tests or even detailed computer simulations to a matter of milliseconds, making it practical to screen vast arrays of candidate materials.

New Screening System to Develop Stronger Protective Coatings

The system, which MIT researchers hope could be used to develop stronger protective coatings or structural materials — for example, to protect aircraft or spacecraft from impacts — is described in a paper, by MIT postdoc Chi-Hua Yu, civil and environmental engineering professor and department head Markus J. Buehler, and Yu-Chuan Hsu at the National Taiwan University.

One of the specialties of my lab is to use what we call molecular dynamics simulations, or basically atom-by-atom simulations” of such processes, Buehler says. These simulations provide a chemically accurate description of how fracturing happens, he says. But it is slow, because it requires solving equations of motion for every single atom. “It takes a lot of time to simulate these processes,” he says. The team decided to explore ways of streamlining that process, using a machine-learning system.


Procedure to Determine Crack Propagation

The team used atom-by-atom simulations to determine how cracks propagate through different materials. They painstakingly generated hundreds of such simulations, with a wide variety of structures, and subjected each one to many different simulated fractures. Then they fed large amounts of data about all these simulations into their AI system, to see if it could discover the underlying physical principles and predict the performance of a new material that was not part of the training set.

And it did. “That’s the really exciting thing,” Buehler says, “because the computer simulation through AI can do what normally takes a very long time using molecular dynamics, or using finite element simulations, which are another way that engineers solve this problem, and it’s very slow as well. So, this is a whole new way of simulating how materials fail.

The improvement in speed produced by using this method is remarkable. Hsu explains that “for single simulations in molecular dynamics, it has taken several hours to run the simulations, but in this artificial intelligence prediction, it only takes 10 milliseconds to go through all the predictions from the patterns, and show how a crack forms step by step.”

If we had a new material that we’ve never simulated before,” he says, “if we have a lot of images of the fracturing process, we can feed that data into the machine-learning model as well.” Whatever the input, simulated or experimental, the AI system essentially goes through the evolving process frame by frame, noting how each image differs from the one before in order to learn the underlying dynamics.

For example, as researchers make use of the new facilities in MIT.nano, the Institute’s facility dedicated to fabricating and testing materials at the nanoscale, vast amounts of new data about a variety of synthesized materials will be generated.

The system could be applied not just to fracturing, as the team did in this initial demonstration, but to a wide variety of processes unfolding over time, he says, such as diffusion of one material into another, or corrosion processes. “Anytime where you have evolutions of physical fields, and we want to know how these fields evolve as a function of the microstructure,” he says, this method could be a boon.

Source: MIT
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