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Rising Health Care Services Demand to Boost Antimicrobial Coatings Market: TMR

Published on 2022-02-03. Edited By : SpecialChem

Arkema Fluoropolymer Production China Transparency Market Research delivers key insights on the global antimicrobial coatings market. In terms of revenue, the global antimicrobial coatings market is estimated to reach USD 6.7 Bn By 2031 at a CAGR of 12.1% from 2021-2031, owing to numerous factors, regarding which TMR offers thorough insights and forecast in its report on the global antimicrobial coatings market.

Varied Factors Affecting Antimicrobial Coatings Market

The global antimicrobial coatings market is broadly affected by several factors, including increase in usage of antimicrobial coatings in various applications such as medical/health care, indoor air quality, and mold remediation. Rise in global demand for medical/health care services has led to significant growth in usage of antimicrobial coatings.

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Antimicrobial Coatings Market: Dynamics

Antimicrobial coatings prevent, kill, discourage, or act as a combination of the mentioned actions to impede the growth of microorganisms such as bacteria, germs, viruses, fungi, parasites, and molds. Antibacterial coatings were developed with a goal to cover the surfaces on which they were used. The primary role of an antimicrobial coating is to safeguard humans from hazardous microorganisms and cut down the risk of infections along with covering the surface of the application.

Some of the major applications of antimicrobial coatings include medical/health care, indoor air quality, textiles, mold remediation, food, and construction. These coatings are also extremely useful at several other instances where there is a requirement for conditions free from microbes. Antimicrobial coatings can be used on a surface through different methods such as draw-down process, spraying, spin coating process, and thin film coating process.

The medical/health care segment is expected to expand considerably during the forecast period. Thus, expansion of the medical/health care industry is projected to boost the demand for antimicrobial coatings during the forecast period.

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Source: TMR
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