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How to Show Improved Wetting of Lubricants during Polymer Processing

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In almost any polymer process, we use lubricants so the plastic parts are more resistant to wear & tear. But surface damage and poor quality issues can appear despite adding lubricants. Well, this is generally the results of a poor wetting of lubricants during polymer processing. It can lead you to an increase in process issues, process stops, reject rate and other quality concerns.

Watch this tutorial and learn the ways to determine if a material will wet a substrate’s surface. Our specialist Paul Seemuth will share a fast screening test to select an improved lubricant package.

Author : Paul Seemuth

Paul Seemuth

Paul Seemuth is Chief Executive Officer at Tribology Consulting International. Dr. Seemuth, who holds a PhD in Organic Chemistry, has more than 30 years of experience in tribology and lubrication of polymers. His fields encompass, but not limited to, organic chemistry, fiber lubrication technology and formulations, catalysis, polymer processing, specialty chemicals, fuel and oil additive formulations.

Work experience include global technology leader at DuPont Fibers Finish Technology Group, responsible for global Fiber Finish technologies and strategies, related plant designing and plant start-ups, VP - Global Technology at SSC Industries and an Associate Professor at Chattanooga State in the Departments of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering.

A Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC), he is a recognized world expert in the field of Tribology, the study of friction and wear. Paul has over thirty publications and over 15 patents covering scientific endeavors on automotive additives, lubricant technologies, fiber finish formulations, polymer production processes, heterogeneous catalysts and supercritical fluid applications. Recently, he completed a major chapter on Textile Fibers / Fabrics” in the Handbook of Lubrication and Tribology, Volume I Application and Maintenance, Second Edition, then served as Section Editor for the Encyclopedia of Tribology along with a contribution on Fiber Boundary Tribology.

Dr. Seemuth consults both domestically and internationally. He also presents regular presentations on scientific topics related to lubrication and surface science.

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