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Coatings Ingredients
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Technical Datasheet | Supplied by Cabot
EMPEROR® 1800 by Cabot is a specialty carbon black that can enable deep black masstone in automotive and other high-end coatings. Helps increase color performance, shorten dispersion time, and improve shelf stability in water-based systems. The pigment surface is optimized for water-based systems and delivers exceptional performance compared to conventional oxidized carbon black. Delivers high jetness and deep blue undertone, made possible by the surface treatment which enables dispersion of the pigment down to individual aggregates. It reduces dispersion time by more than 85% compared to competitive products. Ionic surface groups on the pigment promote electrostatic stabilization in water-borne systems, causing the pigment particles to separate. It also causes shortened grinding time, minimized dispersion costs, and a reduction in color fluctuations due to variation in the dispersion quality. EMPEROR® 1800 specialty carbon black enable electrostatic stabilization of the pigment in water, inhibiting the re-agglomeration of the pigment particles upon aging. It has a shelf life of one year.
Product Type
Carbon Black
Chemical Composition
Carbon black
CAS Number
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