Coatings Ingredients
Industry News

Troy Updates on Carbendazim’s EU Approval Status

Published on 2019-11-07. Edited By : SpecialChem

troy-UN-updateTroy Corporation has issued an update on the European Union (EU) regulatory approval status of carbendazim. Troy is supporting the EU registration of the carbendazim fungicide, and is the lead technical registrant for its use as a dry-film preservative in paint & coatings (Product Type 7, or PT7), and as a preservative for construction materials other than wood (Product Type 10, or PT10).

Since 2018, carbendazim has received a positive opinion from the EU Biocidal Product Committee (BPC), and Troy is pleased to report that the BPC will likely discuss the final approval of carbendazim in its December 2019 meeting.

Steps in the Approval Process

Troy expects the first step in the approval process to be the formal notification from the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) that use in PT9 will be cancelled.

This will then allow PT7 & PT10 approvals to be addressed during the December 2019 meeting.

If manufacturers receive a notification from ECHA or any other authorities,” continues Becker, “they should understand that this is a decision on the use of carbendazim in PT9 applications only. We fully expect approval in the coming months for PT7 & PT10.”

Carbendazim (BCM) - Highly Effective Fungicide for Coatings

Carbendazim, otherwise known as BCM, is a highly effective fungicide, featuring efficacy against a full spectrum of mold, mildew, and other fungal species. Carbendazim has wide use in the paint & coatings industry worldwide, as well as in other industries such as agriculture and food preservation. Carbendazim is favored for its performance, stability, compatibility, and cost efficiency, and as such, numerous Troy Polyphase® and Troysan® dry-film preservatives incorporate BCM.

Troy has made significant investments for the EU regulatory approval process. The company’s focused efforts in supporting carbendazim for PT7 & PT10 have been extensive and have garnered positive results so far. “Troy looks forward to the final approval discussion for carbendazim at the December BPC meeting,” says Becker.

In 2016, when Troy made the business decision to support the use of carbendazim in PT7 & PT10, the company chose not to support its use in fiber, leather, rubber, and polymerized materials (PT9) due to insufficient demand for this active in these markets. “This decision was based on a market assessment and projected return on the significant investment required to support an active chemistry under the EU Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR),” says Troy’s Ulf Becker, Managing Director, Europe.

Source: Troy
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