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Daikin Buys Shares of OCSiAl, a Graphene Nanotubes Producer

Published on 2021-07-28. Edited By : SpecialChem

OCSiAl-buildingDaikin Industries has become a shareholder of OCSiAl, one of the world’s largest producers of graphene nanotubes, following three years of collaboration in developing graphene nanotube applications as a next-generation additive. Together, the companies are determined to develop high-performance materials and establish new markets.

The signing of a share subscription agreement between Daikin Industries and OCSiAl was supported by prior joint developments and market evaluation. In accordance with the terms of the agreement, the valuation of OCSiAl is circa U.S.$2 billion.

Partnership to Market Graphene Nanotubes

Along with the subscription agreement, the two companies have signed a cooperation agreement to develop, produce, and market graphene nanotube solutions for next-generation Li-ion batteries and fluoropolymers, which comprise a substantial part of Daikin’s business. Graphene nanotubes demonstrate exceptional performance and definitive advantages over standard additives, opening-up new horizons for these applications.

Graphene nanotubes, or as they also called, single wall carbon nanotubes, are one-atom-thick graphene sheets rolled into tubes. This unique material, which enables the creation of products with new sets of properties, was historically observed and described for the first time by Japanese scientists.

OCSiAl is the only company to have created a technology that allows production of graphene nanotubes for large-scale commercial applications. The combination of OCSiAl’s and Daikin’s expertise and know-how could result in a fundamental shift in the global industry.

Source: OCSiAl
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