The material selection platform
Coatings Ingredients
The material selection platform
Coatings Ingredients


Product Name
Pentaerythritol technical micronized High grade by Metadynea is used for the production of fire-retardant intumescent and pentaphthalic lacquers and paints, printing dyes, synthetic lubricants and... view more
Pentaerythritol technical micronized First grade by Metadynea is used for the production of fire-retardant intumescent and pentaphthalic lacquers and paints, printing dyes, synthetic lubricants and... view more
Pentaerythritol technical Grade B (nitration) by Metadynea is used for the production of polyether, alkyd varnishes, printing inks, as part of polyurethane paints. It has a shelf life of 2 years... view more
Pentaerythritol technical Grade A, first grade (tech) by Metadynea is used for the production of polyether, alkyd varnishes, printing inks, as part of polyurethane paints. It has a shelf life of 2... view more
Pentaerythritol technical Grade A, high grade (mono) by Metadynea is used for the production of polyether, alkyd varnishes, printing inks, as part of polyurethane paints. Pentaerythritol technical Grade A, high grade (mono) has a shelf life of 2 years from the date of manufacturing... view more

Metadynea Technologies for Coatings & Inks

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