The material selection platform
Coatings Ingredients
The material selection platform
Coatings Ingredients


Product Name
Butyl Acrylate by Brancotex is a chemical that is typically polymerized to form acrylic copolymers or terpolymers. It is used to create significant commercial and industrial chemicals. Butyl... view more
  • Coatings Markets>Other industries>Paper coatings
Acrylic acid is a chemical which is typically polymerized to give mechanical structure emulsions and resins. It is used as raw material for specialty acrylates. Recommended for water-based inks and... view more
Vinyl acetate is a chemical that is typically polymerized to form polyvinyl acetate and copolymers of vinyl acetate. It is used to create significant commercial and industrial chemicals which have a... view more
Methyl methacrylate is a chemical that is typically polymerized to form acrylic copolymers or terpolymers. It is used to create significant commercial and industrial chemicals which have a wide... view more
Methacrylic acid is a chemical which is typically polymerized to give mechanical structure emulsions. It is used to create significant commercial and industrial chemicals which have a wide range of... view more
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