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Coatings Ingredients
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Coatings Ingredients
by SpecialChem
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Vinyl chloride, vinyl acetate and hydroxy propyl acrylate terpolymer resin. It is used in applications that require excellent solubility. The presence of hydroxyl groups increase compatibility with several other types of polymers, including certain alkyd resins and polyurethanes. The presence of the hydroxyl group in the molecule allows crosslinking in systems that require excellent adhesion, flexibility, hardness and chemical resistance. Suitable for anticorrosive paints, paints for polyurethane footwear, wood paints of primer/sealer type for furniture and paints for automotive plastic parts. Recommended for printing inks for leather, paper and plastic.
Product Type
Chemical Composition
Vinyl chloride, vinyl acetate and hydroxy propyl acrylate terpolymer resin
CAS Number
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