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Coatings Ingredients
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Vanisperse CB

Technical Datasheet | Supplied by Borregaard
Vanisperse CB by Borregaard is a high performance dispersant for aqueous carbon black dispersions. It speeds up the milling process, increase carbon black loading and stabilize the dispersion. It functions by adsorbing onto the black and imparting steric and electrostatic stabilization mechanisms. Vanisperse CB functions as both grinding aid and dispersion stabilizer, effecting improved fluidity at high carbon black concentrations. It lowers both initial viscosity and gelling on standing. Reduced milling times and higher loading both serve to lower manufacturing costs. Market applications include latex paint pigmenting, conductive coatings, water-based inks, textile printing pastes and aqueous graphite dispersions.
Product Type
Dispersing Agents
Product Status
Applications/ Recommended for
  • Inks > Water-based
  • Inks > Textile Printing
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