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Coatings Ingredients
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Coatings Ingredients
by SpecialChem
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Technical Datasheet | Supplied by Arun Minerals
Talc. MICRON-S is a filler that is white, soft, non abrasive and free from grit. It exhibits low level of soluble impurities and iron content. Provides purity as compared to other talcs. Possesses balanced particle size distribution, platy particle shape, better scattering co-efficient, gloss, opacity, calendaring, strength, printability, shelf-life, extra whiteness with excellent color coordinate values, high aspect ratio, surface ratio, hydrophobicity and oleo-resinous behavior. Also possesses reduced consumption of titanium dioxide. Shows better long-term thermal stability and light stability. Complies with European and Japanese standards and can be used in applications where food comes in contact with plastics. Used in paper coatings and inks.
Product Type
Fillers / Fibers > Talcs
Chemical Composition
CAS Number
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